Tunnel Ventilation Duct Hose


Tunnel Ventilation Duct Hose is a high quality air ventilation ducting for air transfer. This portable flexible duct hose is made from polyester fabric that coated with PVC. The body of this flexible air ducting hose has a spring steel wire helix reinforce. Its helix is made to provide the flexible ducting with an enhanced physical frame. In addition to the protection of the wire helix, its external section of the hose is protected by a wear-strip. If your application involves this air ventilation ducting being dragged across the ground or other surfaces, this wear-strip will guard the body of the hose from most physical abrasions.

Underground ventilation duct is specifically made to transfer air. In addition to general air ventilation, PVC ventilation ducting can serve as air conditioner ducting hose for portable AC and duct cleaning. The flexible air ventilation duct has a working temperature range of -20 to 80℃, which makes it perfectly suitable for transferring both cold and hot air.

Structure of Tunnel Ventilation Duct Hose:

Wall: High density polyester weave coated PVC on both sides

Reinforce: steel wire spiral

Exterior spiral cover: PVC strip


As ventilation duct hose ideal for:

● Widely serves in airport, tunnel, basement for waste gas exhaust out

● Air condition and ventilation of fumes, light duty dust extraction and air transfer

● As a flexible connection among grilles diffusers, fans and other air transfer units

tunnel ventilation hose application


● Highly flexible

● Flame retardant

● Compressible and easy to carry

● Oil, ccid & alkali resistant

● Very small bend radius

● Kink proof

● Polyester fabric coated with PVC prevents leakage

● Steel wire spiral is wear proof with strip cover

● Various colors are available

Temperature range: -20℃ to +80℃


Inner Diameter: 4″-48″

Length:  20m/roll


Skype:orientrubber                                                               WhatsApp: +8618031853905

Tel:+86-311-68008301                                                                Mobile: +8618031853905


Add: No.298, Zhonghua North Street, Shijiazhuang, Hebei, China

OrientFlex Exhibition Show
Orientflex Canton Fair